~ Canes Info ~
The pages in this section are about the Canes, including our history and an email link to contact our Outings Coordinator with any questions a member or prospective member might have.
Why do we hike, paddle and bike? Probably for the same reasons the outdoors and its activities have attracted outdoorsy folks for generations: We love the beauty and solitude of the woods and streams and ponds; we enjoy others' company; we want the benefits of exercise. Some of us like to paddle the area's lakes and streams; some of us like to bike; some of us like to ski. Some like our mix of outdoor activities. Many of us have developed friendhips with other Canes over the years. No doubt each of us has his or her own reasons for participating in the activities of the Canes.
Check out our Useful Links page for info on emergencies, first aid, backcountry conditions, weather and other topics of interest, such as black fly and hunting seasons.